One problem I find, when approaching organisations to help with their internal dynamics, is that investment is automatically directed at external comms and marketing but rarely at internal. Internal communications breakdown can often be cited as a reason for ‘organisational chaos’ but can also be classed as ‘soft’ and immeasurable and, therefore, difficult to tackle. Subsequently, it is usually considered a side issue and the responsibility of HR.
I love what Tim Johns (Communications Expert and Owner, Orato Consulting) says in his article on ‘Simply Communicate’ regarding his 2013 predictions for Internal Communications
To quote :
“2013 will be the year when internal communications starts to take itself seriously…when it breaks free from its second cousin once removed, HR…and when it recognises that it is not a transactional channel. …The role of internal communications is not about narratives; in fact, it’s not about messages at all…If the business wants a culture that is open, honest, non-hierarchical, meritocratic, collaborative, curious and empowered, then the role of internal communications is to provide a rich communication environment in which those values can flourish. Rather than designing great channels and hoping people will come to the party, it will be about finding out how they want to work and live and then creating a communications environment that can support it.”
I sincerely hope he is right!